Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Jun 27, 2022; 14(6): 544-555
Published online Jun 27, 2022. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v14.i6.544
Table 1 Milestone research of extracellular gastrointestinal slow wave recording
Research type
Part of GI
Major advances
Alvarez et al[6]1922RabbitsMonopolar electrodeSmall intestineFirst record the SW
Alvarez[32]1922HumanEGGAbdominal wallFirst electrogastrogram recording
Code and Marlett[89]1974DogsMulti-electrodeStomachFirst report gastric arrhythmia
Code et al[29]1975DogsMulti-electrodeStomach and small intestineDefine the MMC
Hinder and Kell[54]1977HumanMulti-electrodeStomachFirst locate the gastric pacemaker
Di Luzio et al[90]1989HumanMGGStomach and small intestineNoninvasively investigate the activity of the GI system
Miranda et al[91]1992HumanACBStomachStudy stomach emptying model
Bradshaw et al[92]2003RabbitsMGGStomachInvestigate gastric electrical activity under normal and vagotomized condition
Corá et al[76]2005HumanACBStomachObtain a comprehensive knowledge of the behavior of pharmaceutical forms in the GI tract
Lammers et al[93]2008DogsHR mappingStomach First observe the spatial origin and propagation patterns of SW arrhythmias
Bradshaw et al[68]2009HumanMGGStomachObtain spatiotemporal parameters of the gastric SW
Du et al[62]2009PigsHR mappingStomachDesign a new sterilized PCB electrode
O'Grady et al[66]2009Pigs and humanHR mapping StomachDesign a novel laparoscopic device for HR mapping
O'Grady et al[55]2010HumanHR mappingStomachThe most comprehensive study of the gastric conduction system
Farajidavar et al[52]2012DogsMulti-wireless modulesStomach Design a bidirectional wireless system for SW recording
Calabresi et al[72]2015RatsACBStomachAssess gastric motility
Gharibans et al[94]2017Electrophysiology modelHR-EGGStomach Address the spatial limitations of the EGG
Gharibans et al[95]2019HumanHR-EGGStomachAchieve comprehensive spatial analytics of gastric far-field gastric potentials
Table 2 Clinical research on gastrointestinal electrical stimulation
Sample size
Location of GIES
Stimulation parameters
Gastric electrical stimulation
McCallum et al[96]Multicenter, double-blind, RCT32Idiopathic gastroparesisStomach14 Hz, 5 mA, 330 μs3 moSignificant decrease in vomiting and days of hospitalization
Teich et al[97]Prospective study16 (children)Chronic nausea andvomitingStomach14 Hz, 5 V, 330 μs0.5-23 moSignificant improvement in severity and frequency of vomiting, frequency, and severity of nausea
Morales-Conde et al[98]Randomized, multicenter trial47ObesityStomach/24 moLimited weight regain with strong safety outcomes
Ducrotte et al[99]RCT172Refractory vomitingStomach14 Hz, 5 mA, 330 μs8 moEffectively reduced the frequency of refractory vomiting in patients with and without diabetes, although it did not accelerate gastric emptying or increase the quality of life
Intestinal electrical stimulation
Norton et al[100]RCT90Fecal incontinenceAnus35 Hz, 300 ms8 wkImproved bowel control to a modest extent
Daram et al[101]Case report1Roux stasis syndromeJejunum14 Hz, 5 mA, 330 μs5 dEffective relief of the symptom of stasis post-Roux-en-Y anastomosis
Cadeddu et al[102]Randomized trial81Idiopathic constipationAnus2 Hz, 30-35V, 360-960 μs6 timesContinuous improvement of constipation symptoms and anorectal function
Nerve electrical stimulation
Fassov et al[103]RCT20IBSSacral nerve14 Hz, 0.1-4.0 V, 210 μs3 wkReduced symptoms of diarrhea-predominant and mixed IBS
Stakenborg et al[104]Pilot study18Post-colectomy surgeryAbdominal vagus nerve5, 20 Hz, 2.5 mA, 0.5, 1, 2 ms2 times (preparation, postoperation)Inhibition of IL-6 and IL-8 induced by lipopolysaccharide to prevent postoperative intestinal obstruction
Zhang et al[105]Pilot study42Major abdominal surgeriesAcupoints ST36 and PC625 Hz, 2-10 mA, 0.5 ms3 dImproved major postoperative symptoms
Teckentrup et al[106]RCT22Healthy subjectsVagus nerve25 Hz, 0.3-0.9 mA2 dReduced the frequency of gastric myoelectricity and did not affect resting energy consumption