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Number | Citing Articles |
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J. H. Lai, W. L. Law. Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. British Medical Bulletin 2012; 104(1): 61 doi: 10.1093/bmb/lds026
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I. Pateras, J. Griniatsos, I. Karaiskos, N. Nikiteas, Ch. Tsigris. Single incision laparoscopic hepatectomy (SILH). Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2012; 84(1): 60 doi: 10.1007/s13126-012-0005-1
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Rosaria Scarpinata, Emad H. Aly. Does Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery Offer Improved Early Postoperative Outcomes?. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2013; 56(2): 253 doi: 10.1097/DCR.0b013e3182694595
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Oktar Asoglu, Handan Tokmak, Baris Bakir, Vusal Aliyev, Sezer Saglam, Yalın Iscan, Suleyman Bademler, Serhat Meric. Robotic versus laparoscopic sphincter-saving total mesorectal excision for mid or low rectal cancer in male patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy: comparison of long-term outcomes. Journal of Robotic Surgery 2020; 14(3): 393 doi: 10.1007/s11701-019-01001-5
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Pieter J. van Empel, Lennart B. van Rijssen, Joris P. Commandeur, Mathilde G. E. Verdam, Judith A. Huirne, Fedde Scheele, H. Jaap Bonjer, W. Jeroen Meijerink. Validation of a new box trainer-related tracking device: the TrEndo. Surgical Endoscopy 2012; 26(8): 2346 doi: 10.1007/s00464-012-2187-6
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J. H. Marks, G. A. Montenegro, J. F. Salem, M. V. Shields, G. J. Marks. Transanal TATA/TME: a case-matched study of taTME versus laparoscopic TME surgery for rectal cancer. Techniques in Coloproctology 2016; 20(7): 467 doi: 10.1007/s10151-016-1482-y
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S. Stottmeier, H. Harling, P. Wille‐Jørgensen, L. Balleby, H. Kehlet. Postoperative morbidity after fast‐track laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer. Colorectal Disease 2012; 14(6): 769 doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2011.02767.x
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S. Trastulli, R. Cirocchi, C. Listorti, D. Cavaliere, N. Avenia, N. Gullà, G. Giustozzi, F. Sciannameo, G. Noya, C. Boselli. Laparoscopic vs open resection for rectal cancer: a meta‐analysis of randomized clinical trials. Colorectal Disease 2012; 14(6) doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2012.02985.x
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Muhammed Ashraf Memon, Aiman Awaiz, Rossita Mohamad Yunus, Breda Memon, Shahjahan Khan. Meta-analysis of histopathological outcomes of laparoscopic assisted rectal resection (LARR) vs open rectal resection (ORR) for carcinoma. The American Journal of Surgery 2018; 216(5): 1004 doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2018.06.012
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Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Yusuke Kinugasa, Akio Shiomi, Sumito Sato, Yushi Yamakawa, Hiroyasu Kagawa, Hiroyuki Tomioka, Keita Mori. Learning curve for robotic-assisted surgery for rectal cancer: use of the cumulative sum method. Surgical Endoscopy 2015; 29(7): 1679 doi: 10.1007/s00464-014-3855-5
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Kursat Rahmi Serin, Fatma Ayca Gultekin, Burçin Batman, Serden Ay, Yersu Kapran, Sezer Saglam, Oktar Asoglu. Robotic versus laparoscopic surgery for mid or low rectal cancer in male patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy: comparison of short-term outcomes. Journal of Robotic Surgery 2015; 9(3): 187 doi: 10.1007/s11701-015-0514-3
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S. Trastulli, E. Farinella, R. Cirocchi, D. Cavaliere, N. Avenia, F. Sciannameo, N. Gullà, G. Noya, C. Boselli. Robotic resection compared with laparoscopic rectal resection for cancer: systematic review and meta‐analysis of short‐term outcome. Colorectal Disease 2012; 14(4) doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2011.02907.x
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Morris E. Franklin, Song Liang, Karla Russek. Integration of transanal specimen extraction into laparoscopic anterior resection with total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: a consecutive series of 179 patients. Surgical Endoscopy 2013; 27(1): 127 doi: 10.1007/s00464-012-2440-z